Children’s Formation: Sunday School
Sundays | 10:20 a.m. during the school year | Downstairs Classrooms
Sunday mornings at Good Samaritan offer opportunities for children to explore and experience the Christian faith through activities that allow children visiting for the first time, or who do not attend consistently, to jump right in and fully participate. Children gather in the preschool area for spiritual formation and play that is centered around a Bible story featured in one of the readings their parents hear upstairs. At the passing of the peace in the service, the children rejoin their families so they can be together for the Eucharist. Children are an important part of our church life and we hope that you won’t worry about them being disruptive. Parishioners regularly report that the unscripted comments and laughter of children are something they find delightful, and a reminder that we are called to function as a community of faith that welcomes everyone.
Children will Worship with their Parents on the First Sunday of each Month
First Sundays of the month children participate in the whole worship service with their families. On those Sundays we will include an element to engage children more intentionally. The children’s table in the back of the sanctuary is always available.
Learn more here.