& Choir
The music program and choir of Good Samaritan enriches our worship by leading the congregation in song and drawing our attention to God’s love and grace through the beauty of music. Using a variety of musical styles, from traditional hymns to contemporary songs, music plays an essential role in our 10:30 service (9:30 during the summer months) by providing us songs and words to express the depths of our faith. Our choir also leads us in special services such as Advent Lessons & Carols, Christmas Eve, and during Holy Week.
The Good Samaritan choir is always looking for new voices, and we welcome musicians of all levels to participate. We also welcome soloists and instrumentalists to offer their talents on an ongoing, periodic, or one-time basis.
Thursday evening choir rehearsals from 7 – 8:30 pm have resumed. Rehearsals all follow these safety protocols: distanced, masked, and with open doors for ventilation when we can. We rehearse regularly throughout the program year (with days off to be announced as decided; the choir takes the summer months off) and as we continue transitioning out of the pandemic, we will focus on singing for special occasions such as All Saints’ Sunday, special Advent and Christmas services, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost (and possibly other services as well). If you would like to be involved, please contact our Music Director (Nathan Shiu).
Vocal Leaders
While the choir’s participation is still limited, we have a continuing need of volunteers to serve as Vocal Leaders. Vocal Leaders lead the in-person and online congregation by singing all the sung portions of the service. They sing behind a plexiglass barrier and use a microphone in order to project their voice into the sanctuary as well as broadcast their voice through our video stream.
Instrumental Offerings
We have also been blessed with special instrumental offerings during certain seasons (such as Advent, Lent, and Holy Week). These volunteers have served as regular musicians during a season or as one-time musical offerings for a specific service. The next opportunities for special instrumental offerings will be in Lent and Holy Week, especially several of the special services in Holy Week (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil on Saturday).
For more information about music at Good Samaritan or to express interest in offering your musical talents, please contact Nathan Shiu.